Your chance to win KU Football tickets is happening on our Facebook page!… MORE
Your chance to win KU Football tickets is happening on our Facebook page!… MORE
Journey is bringing the Freedom Tour to Kansas City on March 16th, 2022! We’ve got your chance to win tickets to see Journey with very special guest Billy Idol on our Facebook page all week! Just find the contest post, follow the instructions, and then you’ll be entered to win! The ticket pre-sale starts on…… MORE
Each day on our Facebook page November 1st through 21st, we’re giving you the chance to tell us what your perfect gift would be! … MORE
Your chance to win tickets to see Chicago at TPAC is happening October 25th – 29th!… MORE
Your chance to go to this scary circus is coming up on our Facebook page!… MORE
Little River Band is coming to Prairie Band Casino on November 11th!… MORE
This event has been cancelled. Archived Contest Rules: Official Rules – Facebook Giveaway Marshall Tucker – KWIC-FM Official Rules – Marshall Tucker – KWIC-FM… MORE
Legendary band, Three Dog Night, now in its 5th decade, claims some of the most astonishing statistics in popular music.… MORE
The Beach Boys will bring their California lifestyle to Marysville on Saturday, July 31, at Alcove Spring Historic Park.… MORE
Find our daily Facebook post for a chance to win a $20 Kansas Lottery Silverado Instant Ticket voucher and qualify for the Grand Prize.… MORE