Patterson Legal Group is pleased to announce that their law firm will host a 5-Day Turkey Giveaway through its Facebook page, where eligible individuals will have the chance to win a $250 gift card each day for 4 days. Then, on the fifth day, two qualified individuals will win one $250 gift card each. The promotion period is from November 13 through November 17, 2023. Age and eligibility restrictions
do apply.
To be eligible to win, individuals must agree to the official terms and rules, be 18 years old to enter or have a parent or guardian’s permission, be a legal resident of Kansas or Missouri, like Patterson Legal Group’s Facebook page, comment what they are thankful for on Patterson Legal Group’s 5-Day Turkey Giveaway Facebook post, and then share that post with their friends and family.
“”Here at Patterson Legal Group, we’re thrilled to host our annual five days of turkey
giveaways, because we believe in giving back to the wonderful community that has
supported us over the years. As we approach Thanksgiving, we want to express our
heartfelt gratitude to all of you. The loyalty and support received from local community
members has been the cornerstone of our success, and we wish one and all a
Thanksgiving filled with warmth, togetherness, and joy,” remarked the Managing Member,
Gary Patterson.
Patterson Legal Group has a longstanding commitment to giving back and supporting
local communities in Kansas and Missouri. Over the past year, the law firm has provided
meals for healthcare providers and first responders, distributed school supplies and
backpacks to 1,000 children, boosted community morale by awarding substantial prizes
on Facebook, and played a pivotal role in sponsoring major community events and
initiatives that enhance the well-being and educational prospects of both young and
mature members of our community. In addition to these efforts, Patterson Legal Group
makes in-kind contributions that are featured on its Saturday morning show with KWCH
in Wichita and Garden City, runs monthly $1,000 non-profit nomination programs in
Topeka and St. Joseph, and contributes an extra $500 to a Topeka non-profit
organization twice a week.
The official rules for the 5-Day Turkey Giveaway may be found on the law firm’s website.
Please feel free to contact the firm directly with any questions through an online web
form, by calling (888) 687-2400, or by submitting a direct message via the law firm’s
Facebook page.