Boo At The Zoo Is Fun For Your Kids and You

Source: Topeka Zoo Facebook Event 

October just began yesterday, and you know what that means. Horror movies, costume contests, and the Zoo! Yes, the zoo. For many, people may not immediately associate the zoo with Halloween. But for the Topeka community, Boo at the Zoo is a staple for this holiday. The Topeka Zoo is hosting their all-ages Boo at the Zoo event on two dates this year: October 20 and October 27, both at 9:00 AM. Bring your entire family to this event and encourage the kiddos to put on their best costume and trick or treat in a friendly, safe environment.

The Zoo is also offering a shuttle that will pick up and drop off your family from Hummer Sports park. This way you can spend less time worrying about where to park, and more time enjoying the sights that the Zoo has to offer… and the crazy amounts of candy you can score at the event! There is no early registration for the event – and admission for this event is the same as normal ticket prices for the Topeka Zoo. For more information on ticket prices, check out their facebook event.
